You do you, babe? How to be authentic at work

Courtney Kaplan
3 min readAug 1, 2023


This is the third in series on Leadership Presence. This week I’ll dive into Authenticity.

Building authenticity in leadership is crucial for fostering trust, creating meaningful connections, and inspiring others at work. But what does authentic mean? What’s the right balance of authentic before tripping into cringy TMI?

Many cultures encourage you to
“bring your full self to work.”

That’s kind of weird advice.

How do you draw a line between professionalism and maintaining boundaries that make sense for you? Can you show up as a real person and not Robot Boss?

People want leaders who are empathetic, authentic human beings. It’s difficult to trust and work for a leader that’s hard to read.

Keep in mind that simply sharing too much information, respecting privacy (including your own) and maintaining appropriate confidentiality all have a part in the “Authenticity” equation. Authentic leadership also requires good judgment.

Here are five ways someone could cultivate authenticity in their leadership:

1. Know and Share Your Values:
As an authentic leader, develop a strong understanding of your core values and beliefs. Take time to reflect on what matters most to you personally and professionally. Identify the values that guide your decision-making professionally and shape your leadership style. Work with your team to develop and support team-wide values.

2. Become a Transparent Communicator:
Foster open and honest communication with your team by sharing information, providing regular updates, and being approachable. By communicating transparently, you build credibility and create a sense of trust among your team members since everyone feels informed. Even when you don’t have an answer to a question, be honest and let folks know you don’t have an answer and you’ll share when you have more information.

3. Encourage a Culture of Open Dialogue:
Create space for everyone to feel comfortable expressing their opinions and concerns. Some leaders are afraid to do this as they fear they need to fix or address every opinion or concern in real-time. Many times, our teams want to be heard and have a safe space to express their concerns. Real solutions probably take further thought and discussion (and those issues exist whether you make the space to hear them or not). Open a safe space for dialogue and dust off your deep listening skills. When I listen in open dialogs, I’m listening for subtext, too. Why are these topics coming up? What’s the motivation? An ability to hear the heart of the matter allows you to address the real problem, not the symptoms.

4. Emphasize Emotional Intelligence:
Authentic leaders demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence. Take the time to understand and connect with your team members. Show genuine interest in their well-being, listen actively to their concerns, and acknowledge their contributions. Again, you don’t need to fix everything. Ask how you can best support. Active listening, reflecting what you’ve heard, and being present with someone (without fixing or convincing them otherwise in the moment) can be a gift.

5. Do As You Say:
Authentic leaders lead by example, demonstrating integrity and consistency in their actions. Align your words with your behaviors, and hold yourself to the same standards you expect from others. Admit when you make mistakes, take ownership of your actions, and learn from them. Your behavior sets a bar for your team and inspires your team members to do the same, creating a culture of trust within the organization.

Building authenticity in leadership is an ongoing journey that requires self-reflection, self-awareness, and continuous growth. Keep your own boundaries top of mind and allow others to share as much as they feel comfortable. Create a safe environment and lead by example. By practicing, you can cultivate an authentic leadership style that inspires and motivates your team members.



Courtney Kaplan
Courtney Kaplan

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